Saturday, November 25, 2006

Attitude quote

I have always been fond of wisdom and totally love quotes. To me, quotes act as switches that turn things on and off. Sometimes I know I have silly habits that need changing but I unconsciously apply them. Simplest example is getting angry and losing temper when in a hot argument. Every time this happens I revise myself and swear that this will not happen again. But I guess it's a silly habit, so it does!

While I was browsing I remembered the nice and long chat with BuZain about attitude and being positive and found this quote that I liked about attitude:

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.
Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)

Friday, November 17, 2006

Performance Race Never Stops...

Since I bouhgt my Nvidia GeForce 6800 I have been enjoying great gaming experience since my graphics performs nicely and I can enjoy the sweet gaming hours without getting annoyed by flickering and performance issues.

However, I hunger for more! I have been checking on graphics cards every once in a while and I found that our friends in Nvidia have released the GeFoce 8800! So, I read Gamespot's review and checked Nvidia's site. As usual the results are always stunning. We have better and better graphics cards. But, who can keep up?

Nvidia's Site with all the demos and review

Gamespot's site with performance test results;title;0

Office 2007 and BI

Lately I have been getting my hands abit dirty with Office 2007. Nothing done so far but I am trying to investigate the BI capabilities of Excel 2007 especially after seeing all the scorecarding and dashboaring presentational capabilities. Obviously I need to combine Analysis Server 2005 skills too -which I'm still picking up - with what Office 2007 has to offer.

however I also stumbled upon Business Object's Xcelcius ( which an amazing flash generating Dashboard component that you can simply hook to any data source to come up with a neat dashboard. I liked the what-if analysis and the simplicity in hooking it up to excel sheets. The video presentation and the demos gave a good picture about the power behind it.

I'll probably post some screen shots of whatever I acheive in my next blog, so the next post has already been planned. For now, it's the weekend and there is lots and lots of the premier league...

Friday, November 10, 2006

Attitude Revision

Everytime I login to the blog scene, I stare at my screen and wonder what I could brag on about. But thanks to the very interesting blogs I have been reading recently; I get the picute. It's simple, map what's in the brain to the fingers and let them do the rest. Just write; Actually just type.

I wouldn't describe myself as a very experienced person, nor have I got much exposure to other organisational cultures and I certainly have not worked in a multinational environment. But I think I understand company politics better than before. Especially what is refered to as management!

It's really simple to blame your manager for some of the actions they take which may seem personal and then develop that rebelious attitude which harms both the organisation and yourself. We all know that lovely courses in Europe are so important that if a manager does not attend, companies would collapse -oooooh-, and we also know that under-the-table deals will take place for personal benefits wether we like it or not and so on. You can't help these things, they happen. Everyone will get a slap of some sorts every once in a while. The question here is, how many slaps can you endure before you explode? Better yet, can you stop them from happening to you?

Okay, not getting angry is easier said than done -even while I'm trying to preach about this- but I started to belive that taking a pause, putting the anger aside for a tiny bit -don't forget it just control it-, thinking about things and looking at silly managerial decisions from another angle would give an alarm to a person's attitude; as in "alriiiiiiiiiiiight, if they play it this way then I'll start changing my atittude" feeling. Except, doing this in a negative way can be harmeful to all parties. So, one of the scenarios between me and myself in my head were:

me: "How come thay get to travel and find
any course they want and I don't?"

me: "They're screwing around with me,
aren't they?"

myselft: "Hey, me, can I tell you
something but promise me you won't get pissed"

me: "What?"

myself: "That last course you missed
is purely because you just didn't fight for it. And you weren't persitent enough
to take it from their throat. I think it was your fault really! Sorry, but it's

me: "WHAT!!! It's my fault now? but
the manager... "

myself: "Oooh, shut up, you should
change that attitude. Chances don't land in your lap dear, you have to go out
there, fight for them and snatch them"

myselft: "Managers will piss you off
if you allow them to. Your attitude needs a good checkup"

And so, I realised that I should have control, not them. I'll make things positive but I will not let anything to luck. Managers certainly don't care if you're trained or not, they care about what their manager will give them at the end of the year. Therefore, if training you will improve their share, then they will fight for you. And while they're at it, they'll take any opportunities that pass by. They are not for sharing.

I guess almost everything in life is about one's attitude. Even if you fail, at least you tried your best. Never live life in anger.